For the first time in I can't remember how long, I finally feel like I am exactly where God wants me to be. He's made it so obvious how this was all orchestrated and I feel blessed. I know the work ahead is hard, but the reward is eternity with my King and a little boy who will respect his Mom.
For those of you who don't know, I am living in a Women's Center in Capitol Hill. It's a lovely place, started many years ago by a group of nuns. The facility in beautiful, but what captivates me more is the stories I hear everyday of women, much like me, transformed. I am at the beginning of my journey, and a bit scared, but as I've said before He is the potter and I am the clay. I am eager to see what sort of masterpiece God creates out of me. For the first time in I don't know how many years, I don't feel vacant. I sense the power of the Holy Spirit in me and he is working. So many of you have prayed and those prayers did not fall on deaf ears. I am surround by women of diversity, but a handful who love the Lord. My eyes have been opened the past few weeks as to what the real issues are and I believe that God brought me to this place to begin working on those issues. It's good to have arrived, but scary to see what lies ahead. This one thing I do know: I walk in faith with my Savior. I walk in confidence with my King. And I walk with my head up with my Redeemer.
There are a handful to have faithfully prayed and I just want to thank you: Grams, Mom, Cheri, Randy, Jean, Terry, Gena, Maelisa, Cindy, Tosha, and a certain 8 year old boy. Amen that God is working! God is faithful. To the road ahead...