The week's events and other mindful things from the mouth of a six year old little boy...
- "The best thing about being a reindeer is watching Santa fall off the roof."
- In reference to a man pinned down to the ground at the mall (he was being arrested for shoplifting - lots of cops and the whole nine yards), our nightly prayers heard this: "For that bad guy on the ground, I pray that he goes to jail and when he gets out, he promises to be a nice guy."
- Nana says to Garrett "You're being a grumpy butt." Garrett replies "Nana, you know that butt is a bad word." Nana, "You're right. You're a grumpy bottom." Garrett, "Please Nana, say nice words. Bottom isn't nice." Nana, "Indeed. You're a grumpy tush." Garrett: laughing so hard he nearly pees.
- Garrett, "Hey Mom, I wanna be a professional wrestler." Mom, "Aim high kid. You better start training." Garrett, "Where's the tissue paper?"
- Mom's had a bad day, she's a little tearful during prayers. My son is preciously sensitive. He farts and says "Did that cheer you up Mom?" Not necessarily, but the choking while trying to gasp for breath sure took my mind off things.
- "I love you crackerjack." "I love you too, homeslice."
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