After yet another conversation with Man Friend about New Year's Resolutions, I decided I would "pray" about it and see where a power greater than myself took me (note: said higher power often takes me down the cookie aisle at the grocery store. His idea of a life of contentment - who would go against that kind of HP?). After a few days of very worthwhile ideas, I began a list. I thought about putting that list up on the fridge so I would ever be reminded. Then it occured to me that after a week, the list would be covered up with the Chinese Take Out Menu and the reminder to get a mamogram next month. So, a mental list that never leaves, although could be clouded with moments of senility. After much prayer and serious self-evaluation, I came up with some resolutions that make perfect sense for me and will in no way lead me down the path of shame as they are not met. So, with great pride and a drum roll you must imagine in your head, here is said list...
- Drink at least four Carmel Macchiatos per week. This is to stimulate a better economy. It is my personal goal that Starbucks meets it's first quartely profit projections, plus a bonus.
- Take a lot of naps.
- Blog, rather than clean, cook and do laundry.
- Make very believable, but still rather lame excuses as to why I can't hit the gym today.
- Pretend that white-sticky rice in my teriyaki bowls (slathered with sauce that's "low-cal") is a really healthy carb.
- Buy into the theory that dark chocolate is good for the heart. Must strive to maintain that my house is well stocked.
- Be sure to argue with Man Friend now and then. That way, we can practice the great "art" of making up.
- Share God, especially late at night with my neighbors...they hear a lot of "Oh dear God" being shouted out in the wee hours. This one practical way to let others know about a Higher Power.
- Think about actually dressing nice on occassion instead of wearing elastic-waisted yoga pants. But, for the sake of time and practicality for the day's events, leave myself an out with the yoga pants.
- Invest in eye cream to attack the crows feet. I hear dark chocolate is also good for this problem.
- Buy my physician a new scale. His is continually incorrect by 10lbs.
Call me practical, call me a pragmatist, call me realistic. These are the best resolutions EVER!
I'm feeling empowered by these you know. Could be quite a year. Well, I'm off to the store...I have a coupon for dark chocolate.
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