When Elijah came out of the cave waiting for God to speak to him and give him the words for the people, he expected this big lightening type show. He wanted God to show up BIG so he wouldn't miss it. Fortunately, by this time the man had perception enough to know when God was directing him. The lightening never came. The big sign saying "Do this and that" never happened. God came in a "puff" or a breath to Elijah. He spoke quietly to him, deep within his heart -the breath of God really. I often expect the speaking of my God to come in big ways and more often than not, it doesn't. He speaks to me through others, through reading and prayer, but most of all he speaks when I quiet my heart. I believe, at least for me, all that is in my life is my portion and my cup. Nothing is out of His hands. When I give thanks for what He's given me, not matter the portion or how filled up my cup is, my heart quiets and faithfully God directs me. The gentle breath of God is all I need. My prayer for you right now is that not only will God speak to you, but bring you distinguished joy in all your circumstances.
I am praying that He bestow wisdom to you, blessing, and most importantly that you sense His nearness in your life. You have so much purpose, so much to give and I believe He has magnificent things in store for you. I believe this for myself as well.
Be lifted up in the gentle breeze of our Savior. It carries through all things and is ever near.
Long time, no hear. How are you girl? I miss your posts!