"O, God, who frees the captive, do not liberate this carnal slave for freedom's sake. For I will surely wing my flight to another thorny land. Break, instead, each evil bond and rub my swollen wrists, then take me prisoner to your will - enslaved in your safekeeping. O, God, who ushers light into the darkness, do not release me to the light only to see myself. Cast the light of my liberation upon your face and be thou my vision. Do not hand me over to the quest of greater knowledge. Make your word a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. O, God, who lifts the grieving head, blow away the ashes but let your gentle hand be upon my brow. Be my only crown of beauty. Comfort me so deeply, my Healer, that I seek no other comfort. O, God, who loves the human soul too much to let it go, so thoroughly impose yourself into the heaps and depths of my life that nothing remains undisturbed. Plow this life, Lord, until everything you overturn becomes a fertile soil. Then plant me O God, in the vast plain of your love. Grow me, strengthen me, and do not lift your pressing hand until it can boastfully unveil a display of your splendor."
These words have been my life song for over a year now. I can say with profound certainty that my God kept his promise to grow me and strengthen me. He has reminded me of promises he made and that for many, it is time for them to come to fruition. Not all of them are happening in the manner I envisioned, but nonetheless, God and I are going further still to reach them. I love the picture of God's hand gently pressing my brow, bringing me comfort and still, breathing life into a masterpiece. His touch entails so much.
Just for today, I will feel the warmth of God's embrace and know that I am a display of His splendor.
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